Revenue Department Khuzdar Test and Interview Schedule 2023

Revenue Department Khuzdar Test and Interview Schedule 2023

TheRevenue Department Khuzdar Test and Interview Schedule 2023 has been published today. Aspiring candidates who have diligently submitted their applications for the esteemed Revenue Department Khuzdar Jobs under the Advertisement PRQ No. 1693 and 495 are urged to take note of the forthcoming test and interview dates.

In an official notice published in the newspaper on July 14, 2023, the Revenue Department Khuzdar has provided comprehensive information regarding the examination and interview procedures. All applicants are advised to begin their preparations promptly in order to perform to the best of their abilities during the assessment process.

The test and interview sessions, integral to the selection process, have been scheduled meticulously and candidates are expected to adhere to the given timeline. It is essential that applicants mark their calendars and make necessary arrangements to attend these crucial assessments.

The candidates are further instructed to bring all original documents along with their original CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) on the designated Test and Interview day. The verification of documents will be carried out meticulously to ensure the authenticity and credibility of the applicants.

The Revenue Department Khuzdar Test and Interview Schedule 2023 is a significant step towards the selection of deserving individuals who will contribute to the department’s goals and objectives. Aspirants are encouraged to avail themselves of this golden opportunity and put forth their best efforts in the upcoming evaluations. Stay focused, be well-prepared, and present yourself confidently for the test and interview sessions as scheduled by the Revenue Department Khuzdar.

Basic Information:




1 Posted On 14 July, 2023
2 Source Jang Newspaper
3 Test Interview Location Balochistan Engineering University Khuzdar
Time 09 am
5 Test Interview Date 25 July 2023
6 Department Revenue Department Khuzdar
7 Male Whatsapp Group Join Now
8 Female Whatsapp Group Voice to 03113556346

Where will the Test and Interview take place?

The Test and Interview for the Revenue Department Khuzdar will be held at the Balochistan Engineering University Khuzdar, serving as the designated venue for this important assessment. It is crucial for all candidates to reach the venue at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time of the Test and Interview. Please ensure that you bring along your original documents and CNIC (National Identity Card) for the verification process.

Official Advertisement of Revenue Department Khuzdar Test and Interview Schedule 2023

It is the Official Advertisement of Revenue Department Khuzdar Test and Interview Schedule 2023.
It is the Official Advertisement of Revenue Department Khuzdar Test and Interview Schedule 2023.

Important Notes for Revenue Department Khuzdar Test and Interview Schedule 2023:

  • Be Prepared: Get ready for the test and interview by studying the relevant topics, going through the required materials, and practicing sample questions. Make sure you understand the job requirements and be ready to show what you know and can do.
  • Arrive Early: Being on time is really important. Reach the test and interview location at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. This will give you enough time to settle down, relax, and collect your thoughts before the assessments begin.
  • Bring Required Documents: Don’t forget to bring all the original documents mentioned in the instructions, like your educational certificates, experience letters, and any other necessary paperwork. Also, remember to bring your original CNIC or identification card as proof of who you are.
  • Dress Professionally: Make a good impression by dressing professionally and appropriately for the test and interview. Choose formal clothes that show you take the opportunity seriously. A clean and tidy appearance can help create a positive impression on the interviewers.
  • Stay Calm and Confident: Stay calm and composed throughout the test and interview process. Confidence is important because it shows you believe in yourself and can handle challenging situations. Stay focused, listen carefully to the questions, and respond thoughtfully and confidently.